Supplemental Material for Page 14 (Chapter 1)
Quick Reference Page
Review of Chords Presented in Chapter One
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General info about page 14
The "Quick Reference Pages" (as the name implies) are designed to help you quickly find useful information. This page contains all of the chords presented so far. You may wish to keep Sensible Guitar open to this page while playing songs, etc, so you can quickly remind yourself how to play any of these chords. I recommend at least briefly checking out the alternate fingerings; you should be aware that any chord may be played in numerous ways, and be familiar with various possibilities.
Note that some alternate fingerings (like the A chord) play the same notes as our "regular" A; only the choice of fingering is different. Others (like C) contain different notes (e. g. the C has the pinky added to the first string, third fret).
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